Post by stickermagneto on Sept 3, 2024 8:29:34 GMT
Heya there!
I have a 2023 Polo FL (with Discovery Pro infotainment, MIB3 I think it was?), and I was busy trying to get the image in "Car"\"Vehicle Status" screen to use a different model, but now I have done so many different long coding attempts that it's not feasible to check the original values in the logs. Now it just shows a black Golf 8 for me, and I would like to set it back to how it was before I leave my car in garage for its maintenance.
Would anyone be able to share the first 6 bytes of their long coding from Multimedia (5F) module? Both hex and user-readable codings are good.
(I promise I'll be a good boi and make a backup later, pinky promise)
Post by stickermagneto on Sept 3, 2024 14:52:55 GMT
For those interested, I did manage to find a backup.
The coding is 22 70 00 00 00 00.
It now thinks it's just Polo 6 without facelift, but I believe I did some other tomfoolery that makes it think that.
For reference: Byte 1: first digit is manufacturer (VW), second car model (2=Polo, 3=Golf) Byte 2: first digit generation (7), second is body style.