Post by alanbur on Oct 25, 2023 21:48:22 GMT
I've just bought OBDEleven Pro and I tried the adaptive lane guidance one click app (at a cost of 100 credits) on my UK MY24 vRS and it's completely screwed up lane assist. Although the car does seem to track the lanes, the lane display in the dash is always orange and after a few seconds I get increasingly strident warnings about taking control of the steering, even though my hands are on the wheel. The alerts block the menu to disable lane assist, which is positively dangerous.
I need to undo the carnage and I object to paying another 100 credits to roll back the changes - and I'm not exactly confident the app will do that correctly in the first place. I've tried contacting OBDEleven support and they've been less than supportive - asking for a video of the problem, which as it happens when driving would a) be dangerous and b) illegal in this country!
Some questions, in the absence of adequate support from OBDEleven themselves:
1. I took a full backup before I applied the app, but I don't know how to use that to manually undo the mess because I don't know what the one click app modified in the first place. Does anyone know if it's possible to find out what a one click app has done? 2. If I take another full backup I could compare that with the original one, but what I don't know is if that would overwrite the current backup, which I assume is the only record I have of the non-broken config. Are old backups overwritten when you create a new one?
This app really needs to be pulled from the store, it's broken, and dangerous. Not a happy customer
Post by dv52 (Australia) on Oct 25, 2023 23:02:07 GMT
Alan: Hi. The reason why I never use OCAs is because they make changes to the car that are not disclosed!! This is not a problem if the OCA works - but it results in the type of problems that you are experiencing if the tweak goes pear-shape!!
So, I suggest that you contact the help-desk regarding the 100 credits that have been wasted on this tweak. Maybe they will return your credits - I'm guessing
Excellent practice in creating a back-up before implementing the OCA - well done!!
Creating multiple back-up files doesn't affect previous files. A back-up is basically a data-dump of whatever settings are stored in the modules when the back-up process is implemented - meaning that a back-up doesn't "write" to the module - it ONLY "reads" the module! When you create a new set of back-up files - send your self a copy of both before and after files via email - then compare the channel settings before and after the change
The only way to find-out what changes a OCA has made to the car is to ask the deities on the help desk!
Post by alanbur on Oct 25, 2023 23:23:39 GMT
Thanks, that's much as I suspected, hopefully the Support Gods will come up with a fix...
One thing I did notice looking at the history is that the very first entry is a long coding entry for the A5 Driver Assistance showing the old/new values - but that's *before* I applied the once click app, so where did the old/new values come from? I'm assuming that could be because the A5 channel had been previously coded to make the Lane Assist setting "sticky", can OBDeleven get the the original factory values somehow?
But it does sound like I can do another backup and then just compare it to the previous one to figure out what has changed - my concern is that it's not just the A5 module it fiddled with, see this scary looking post for why I fear that may be the case...
Post by alanbur on Oct 26, 2023 12:44:59 GMT
So, I suggest that you contact the help-desk regarding the 100 credits that have been wasted on this tweak. Maybe they will return your credits - I'm guessing Excellent practice in creating a back-up before implementing the OCA - well done! They've refunded the credits and asked me to use them to roll back the one-click app, if that works they'll refund them so my account is back as it was. But I'm going to be damn sure to take backups before and after doing that!
Post by dv52 (Australia) on Oct 26, 2023 23:34:11 GMT
Alan: Good to read that you have a way forward with this matter via the Help-desk !!
I'm not sure about your long-code entry - but the short answer to your question is "NO".
You should think differently about the OBD11 History function. It's specifically about the user - it's NOT about how the car was factory coded.
The records in History itemize the changes that a particular OBD11 user has made with the software -and the database of past coding changes are stored against the user account.
This means that ALL the coding modifications in History records were implemented with the change-maker logged into the user-account.
Post by alanbur on Oct 27, 2023 23:48:14 GMT
Yeah, not sure what happened with the coding then.
Re-running the app and selecting "Original" seems to have done the trick, I'll get he 100 credits that took to be re-refunded.
I'm wondering if the reason the coding didn't work is because the car perhaps doesn't have a capacitive steering wheel sensor, so when Adaptive Lane Assist is coded up it throws a fit.I'll have a dig around and see if the sensor is coded as absent or present.
The Mk3 vRS I had did have a steering wheel sensor, and the lane following seemed to be much better. The Mk4 is worse than the Mk3!
Post by yanivs on Oct 31, 2023 5:45:08 GMT
i really need to understand the backup issue...
lets say we have this Engine backup, what is the most important?
if we did modifications/coding's/a lot of shit = if we past the long coding string from the backup, we are good? he contains allll the info related to the module? what is all the long details after the long coding? (Adaptations...cylinders...) why we backup them?
Control unit: 01 Engine
System description: R3 1.0l TFS
Software number: 05C9032F
Software version: 1337
Hardware number: 05C9394B
Hardware version: H01
ODX name: EV_ECM10TFS0300506032F
ODX version: 00011
Backup name: Engine
Long coding:
Roller test bench mode, functional:
Not activated
Deactivate production mode:
Production mode:
Activation of start-stop function:
Protective function:
Turbocharger offset correction:
Adaptation of correction angle position detection bank 1 outlet:
Error angle sensor wheel:
3.91 °
Error angle sensor:
-132.03 °
Adaptation of correction angle position detection bank 1 intake:
Error angle sensor wheel:
-7.81 °
Error angle sensor:
45.31 °
Adaptation of cyl. Individual correction angle camshafts bank 1:
Correction outlet cylinder 8:
0.00 °
Correction outlet cylinder 7:
0.00 °
Correction outlet cylinder 6:
0.00 °
Correction outlet cylinder 5:
0.00 °
Correction outlet cylinder 4:
0.00 °
Correction outlet cylinder 3:
10.94 °
Correction outlet cylinder 2:
-14.06 °
Correction outlet cylinder 1:
3.91 °
Correction inlet cylinder 8:
0.00 °
Correction inlet cylinder 7:
0.00 °
Correction inlet cylinder 6:
0.00 °
Correction inlet cylinder 5:
0.00 °
Correction inlet cylinder 4:
0.00 °
Correction inlet cylinder 3:
0.78 °
Correction inlet cylinder 2:
-10.94 °
Correction inlet cylinder 1:
-21.88 °
Adaptation of correction angle of crankshaft position detection:
Error angle sensor wheel:
0.00 °
Error angle sensor:
0.00 °
Selection of the start system:
Automatic status selection
Adaptation of ash mass:
1.12 g
Advanced identification:
Hardware safety module, status:
hDgIbGnBfIcKmInDaFhCmBfDpLmJiKiGiPpChGmPnGcEbOeGiLgNjBcPhAmHaEkFdDiPhGdPoIoCdPmIcMiAiHjMeEmPpElEjJnFbBoAeAkEgBoHpDbDcOpFmPnAfNiHnIkAnNlLfAlAlLpKiNbGgDgEeNhCdMnBgPcPnNeDbBaCpLgGbKdKbCmNcLdMfNoGoLmOlJkFlCjBjFiKhNoFoAhGpAbDmDdEaGpFlAdLhNiDgKgEjHdEiAeEaIpJhLcKfBlEiApDfFeOkCbFiFjEoHiNaGkJjPlNkOpCkGkNjJnDnLkCnIjJjBlEnKgIkCdMjJaKeHfFeMgHoBhJiOjHmIiFfCcMiHeIkMkEdIpDgHbNiPpClKpBpCcHfDgInIoPjOfLmFlNgNdGbBcHhKmGaFdAmBcIaMgNbJfNhPiEbBcGdIoOiNoLdGnCdJnFoDhDhBaMdLbFdLhAmHdChBmBdPpEdJnJfCgCmHmIeEfEaGjMpCmNnJmKmBiKcAaNnGd Vehicle history data:
aGmBnAjLlLlMdAkBmPkLkPaLdDlLmMePcFhLlGlKcPoBoOhAfMlGpLnKoCbNoHfLiPkIfEhPgEeCcJkBkAnGhChClObLhDoOiJpNcIdPbMjLbPmNlOoJfIdGkPbFlOiBnGiHnKiIlNfLjIgHiJhBkGhPeDgBpDpLnAcPmGdOhMbCdLiChHbMeOfKeHhBdPgNeEpOgJgJbLeAiCcGiDfKaBcJiCbEfFpEoCiKfJdElFpGjOiFlJpOdLdDkIlAeDnHiBpEkOcIgHiNnNlEhPhIcCgGfHpOpKcJkPgFkJfDpBnDaMeJjKlOoLiDkGgCdJoHkApLlFnMpLpInHeEdLaFpCnOcGnDeAgBbNjCiHfAfCmBlBbJlGhOjOjDcEdNaOmBoEcBfPcPeFnEbGjPkHhGoFfGkDhPeHfHmDiAmKpOdDnCnNiNnJoHbMnOoEbLgCcIgPdHoKpOcFiElDnEbBoJeLgAoBjFlHdMbChIoKgLdNhPfFlJkHfEoAaJnLcFfM Number of programming attempts:
Data record:
Maximum number of possible update programming:
Data record:
ISO TP block size in bootloader:
Identification of connected components:
ID number:
Engine Control Module 1
Bus message/node address:
Workshop code and date of last update programming of SW module:
Device number:
Importer number:
Dealership number:
Programming status:
Correct result
Device number:
Importer number:
Dealership number:
Programming status:
Correct result
Device number:
Importer number:
Dealership number:
Programming status:
Correct result
Manufacture location index:
Day of manufacture:
Manufacturer- test stand number:
Running manufacturer number:
Manufacturer modification status:
Control module family:
Decoration variant:
Construction version:
Manufacture version:
Diagnostic mode:
VW - diagnostic mode
VW/Audi part number:
Supplier identification:
Date of manufacture:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):
Hardware part number:
Hardware part number for suppliers:
Hardware version for suppliers:
Software version of suppliers:
Software version for suppliers:
System description:
R3 1.0l TFS
Adaptation workshop code:
Device number:
Importer number:
Dealership number:
ASAM/ODX file identification:
ASAM/ODX file version:
Coding workshop code:
Device number:
Importer number:
Dealership number:
System abbreviation:
Versions of software module:
Data record:
Engine code:
AUTOSAR Standard application software identification:
Standard software module:
Software manufacturer ID:
Volkswagen AG
Primary version number:
Secondary version number:
Revision number:
Standard software module:
SFD (Schutz der Fahrzeugdiagnose)
Software manufacturer ID:
Elektrobit Automotive GmbH (3SOFT GmbH)
Primary version number:
Secondary version number:
Revision number:
Identification of data sets:
Rqmt. spec. version:
Main version 80114:
Minor update 80114:
Main version 80124:
Minor update 80124:
Main version 80125:
Minor update 80125:
Main version 80126:
Minor update 80126:
Main version 80127:
Minor update 80127:
Main version 80128-3:
Minor update 80128-3:
Main version DSDL (dataset download):
Minor update DSDL (dataset download):
Major release DUL (data upload):
Minor release DUL (data upload):
Major release VDP (vehicle diagnostics protection):
Minor release VDP (vehicle diagnostics protection):
Main version SWaP (software as product):
Minor release SWaP (software as product):
Firmware version:
Number of firmware versions:
Programmability status:
Program consistency:
Program present
Mileage: 42984 km
Date: 2023-10-30 11:07
Post by dv52 (Australia) on Oct 31, 2023 21:12:27 GMT
yanivs : Hmm........ I'm not quite sure that I understand your question and it's worth noting that there is a fundamental difference between the cars in this part of the forum (which have a MQB platform) and this car (Octavia NX) which has a MQB-evo platform build. However (and notwithstanding your "a lot of shit" descriptor), a back-up is generally a data dump of the "readable" aspects of any module. If you look at the back-up information in your post - you should see that it's divided into the following very high-level categories: - Long code
- Adaptation (channels)
- Advanced Information
Each of the categories above are separate and each has a very different purpose - so DON'T consider the categories to be the same (please).
Below is a very broad description of the 3 x categories:
- Long code is a string of software switches (called Byte/Bits) that tell the module which peripherals are installed. The module uses the ON/OFF status of these switches to enable/disable various sub-routines in it's software. These sub-routines operate the various optional equipment tha
- Adaptation channels have a very different function (in general) because their primary purpose is to tell the module how to run the connected peripherals. In general, while the Byte/Bits in long-code each normally have 2 x states (i.e. ON/OFF) - the settings in adaptations can have many more states. On modules that use USD/ODX protocols (like your Octavia NX), adaptation channels have textual names - but earlier modules are identified with numbers only.
- Advanced Information is just that! This part of the back-up is read-only - it displays the aspects of the module that relate to it's general type and its software identifiers
Post by yanivs on Nov 3, 2023 12:07:46 GMT
Hi don,
thank you for your detailed answer.
what I'm trying to ask is that: lets assume that i was a really smart person and i backed up my octavia. then, i was very stupid and did a lot of mess, manually, in let's say, 3 different modules (that what i meant by "lot of shit" in my last post).
in this case, the full backup can save me?
from what i understand from your last post, i assume that the backup covers me for the long coding. kind of easy, copy the bytecode and apply it with the app.
regards the Advanced Information the backup is irrelevant for our case, because nobody can touch it.
but, what about the Adaptation channels? the backup let us to restore it completely? there is also a bytecode for that to make it easy per module? or we need to do it manually by read it from the backup file and apply it "one by one" with the app?
Post by dv52 (Australia) on Nov 3, 2023 20:49:15 GMT
Yanivs: Short answer to your question is "Yes". A back-up of the module will contain a complete list of every adaptation channel and their settings at the time that the back-up file was created.
So, if you create the module back-up file before changes are made - you have a historic database that can be compared with a post-change back-up.
And yes also - the comparison process is done for each adaptation channel (one-at-a-time) and modern modules can have a channel-count as high as 2,000-3,000
Now - a giant disadvantage with OBD11 is that the format of their back-up files is absolutely terrible for the comparison purpose (IMO, of course)!! For an entirely unknown reason, OBD11 has decided that it's better for their back-up files to look "pretty", rather than being useful (again, IMO)!
The problem with OBD11 back-up files is that they are full of sentence format codes like line-feeds and tabs! These extraneous sentence codes make database comparisons impossible using modern computer based methods. So the OBD11 user must first strip-out these useless sentence codes prior to applying computer based comparison applications (it's called "parsing")
OBD11's competitor VCDS has a far better answer to their equivalent of back-up files (which are called "Admaps") because their files have a flat format (meaning NO sentence codes). Admaps can be readily imported into modern database tools - making the comparison process very easy!
Post by yanivs on Nov 4, 2023 9:46:59 GMT
Hi don,So, for our example, if messed up my dashboard17 module with long coding it's easy = copy and past the byte code from backup. but if i messed up the dashboard17 adaptation channels with a lot of games, it's going to be very long = i need to seat with the bak file and do it one by one with the app. but why? why there is not "module restore" for cases of "over playing"? about the problematic backup file format issue that you mentioned, look at this [ obd.itsezz.de/ ] there is "Backup Converter" tool there that might be helpful... yanivs.
Post by dv52 (Australia) on Nov 4, 2023 20:52:43 GMT
Yes, I'm aware of Thirsty handy-dandy flat-file tool!. However, we are living in the 21st century and ALL of the cars that are the focus of OBD11 (and especially the VAG stable of vehicles) no longer have modules with just a handful of adaptation channels. The days of manually sifting through a small channel count are long gone - the technology and industry practice is that module channel databases are increasing quickly. As I have said - OBD11's "pretty" back-up file format is obsolete and it is no longer fit-for-purpose in the modern era (again IMO)!
OK- rant over!! but why? why there is not "module restore" for cases of "over playing"? I'm not connected to the deities on the OBD11 mother-ship, so I'm not privy to their decision making processes!! VCDS does have an auto "restore" facility - but ONLY if the user created a restore database prior to making changes to the car (VCDS restore files are different to VCDS admap files). It's a good idea, IMO!!