Hi guys,
Yesterday at around 3.23pm I just simply changed Tire pressure monitoring 'Yes' from 'No' in (17) Dashboard Coding section and Average consumption, electric drive: Miles per kWh from (Default) kWh per 100 km.
then realize that there was a TPMS warning light on on the dashboard..i have quickly reverted all the changes but still the sign is on..i did ignition turn off and on, TPMs warning sign flashed like 60 times and then remain steady.
(17) Dash Board i can now see couple of fault codes
Trouble codes:
U101400 - Control module incorrectly coded
U112100 - Databus missing message
I have checked the vehicle history log and following are these
Long coding
Control unit: 17 Dash Board
Old value:
New value:
Mileage: 103279 km
Date: 2017-04-06 15:13
I have toggle those settings many times but still latest long code is
Long coding
Control unit: 17 Dash Board
Old value:
New value:
Mileage: 103299 km
Date: 2017-04-06 22:44
Can any expert help me with long code here please...its not my fault..i believe its the obdeleven itself playing with me.
when i was doing this OBDeleven updated..i don't know if this update made the app not working..