Post by geniusve on Dec 1, 2021 11:56:23 GMT
Some cars sold in Germany had the "Aircare" feature as an standard equipment. But "Aircare" only works with 2-zone air conditioning system. So, some customers, have received the 2-zone air conditioning system activation in workshop via software. www.goingelectric.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=393&t=66313&start=180Is there any way to activate 2-zone air conditioning system using OBDEleven? maybe by copying the parameters from the ECUs of another id.3 with 2-zone ? Thanks
Post by mencey on Dec 1, 2021 13:43:16 GMT
ECU 08 Air Conditioning
Without a doubt, the problem is having the coding. I have dual zone climate control and air care. This is my factory coding: 00 20 22 21 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 10 11 01 00 00 Try it and let us know if it works !
Post by gruppo on Dec 1, 2021 16:03:56 GMT
My code no Aircare is the following: 00 20 22 01 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 00 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 Its possible that the total of the numbers is different?
Post by mencey on Dec 1, 2021 16:34:44 GMT
Well, try mine, I see that there are only two bytes that you have to change and tell us if my code works on your ID.3. By the way, my ID.3 is a 58Kw Pro Power, yours?
Post by mencey on Dec 1, 2021 16:47:29 GMT
If you test my code and it works. Check that weather voice commands work for you and comment on it
Post by gruppo on Dec 1, 2021 18:39:47 GMT
My car is ID3 45 KW, but sorry your code is different in bytes total?
your 00 20 22 21 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 10 11 01 00 00
my 00 20 22 01 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 00 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
Post by mencey on Dec 1, 2021 19:06:05 GMT
It has the same amount of bytes, what happens is that as they were zeros, the last ones were omitted.
mi 00 20 22 21 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 10 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 you 00 20 22 01 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 00 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
What is not known is whether you will need to add hardware or your car already has it installed and the code will work.
Post by geniusve on Dec 1, 2021 23:17:18 GMT
ECU 08 Air Conditioning
Without a doubt, the problem is having the coding. I have dual zone climate control and air care. This is my factory coding: 00 20 22 21 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 10 11 01 00 00 Try it and let us know if it works ! Thanks mencey My id.3 45kwh 1zone + Comfort Pack + HeatPump coding : 00 20 22 01 70 20 32 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 02 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 mencey: 00 20 22 21 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 10 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 gruppo: 00 20 22 01 70 10 12 00 00 10 00 10 11 00 01 10 20 00 10 21 00 00 11 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 So I'm pretty sure that none of you have the heat pump and mencey has a panoramic roof After some study I found that the difference in Byte 3 is the Panoramic Roof and I suppose that Byte 5 and 6 may differ because of Heat Pump. Maybe Auxiliary heater (mine is HV-PTC) and Collant (mine is R744) but not checked... so the only difference can be here: Byte 21 bit 0-3 - Heat pump - (02) Heat pump control by climate unit (00) - Not Installed bit 4-7 - Climate Control (00) 1C (10) 2C <- This may be 2 zone climateAfter changing Climate control from 1C to 2C - byte 21 changed from (02) to (12) But nothing happened on my id3... I suppose that it is not enough to code ECU 08 .. maybe additional coding somewhere else is needed..
Post by mencey on Dec 2, 2021 7:06:31 GMT
Thank you for your contribution and testing
Post by mencey on Dec 2, 2021 7:08:28 GMT
It's true, I have a sunroof and I don't have a heat pump. Thank you for your contribution and tests
Post by gruppo on Dec 2, 2021 8:51:02 GMT
There is no heat pump and panoramic roof in my ID.3
Post by mencey on Dec 2, 2021 9:54:56 GMT
So now you know which bytes not to touch from your factory coding.
Post by gruppo on Dec 2, 2021 10:28:47 GMT
So I try to change byte 21 from 00 to 10 (activation bit 4) and see the result. Can the change be right? Thanks! Before change, now: Sensor air quality indoor and outdoor is installed; aircare says installed; fine dust detection no installed.
Post by mencey on Dec 2, 2021 10:59:13 GMT
I would try byte 21 and byte 4. Backing up beforehand, you can always go back to the configuration you had. Let us know your results.
Post by geniusve on Dec 2, 2021 11:42:12 GMT
Byte 4 is the same (70) byte 3 is panoramic roof
Post by gruppo on Dec 2, 2021 12:16:32 GMT
Why byte 4? Bit 4 in byte 21 to change 00 in 10.
Post by geniusve on Dec 3, 2021 9:22:34 GMT
I found this on 8125 Changing does nothing.. Anyone with 2 zones climate what config did you have in “Vehicle Function List BAP”?
Post by mencey on Dec 3, 2021 10:35:29 GMT
Apparently according to information received from a forum member on meinid you need a token generated by the manufacturer, the coding of the bizona depends on a process to generate the activation code, there is a dependence on the type and equipment of the vehicle and also the VIN of the car.So we are not going to be able to code Bizona + aircare here. I close
Post by geniusve on Dec 3, 2021 20:58:22 GMT
Ok, but I am really curious to see the difference on 8125 between singe zone and 2 zone climatronic.
I would be very grateful if anyone with 2zone could share his 8125 config
Post by bb5877 on Oct 6, 2022 9:11:05 GMT
You can indeed do SFD unlocking on Obdeleven. Apparently according to information received from a forum member on meinid you need a token generated by the manufacturer, the coding of the bizona depends on a process to generate the activation code, there is a dependence on the type and equipment of the vehicle and also the VIN of the car.So we are not going to be able to code Bizona + aircare here. I close
Post by jontd5 on Mar 17, 2023 16:47:42 GMT
Did you ever make any progress on enabling the 2 zone climate control on an id3?
Post by michaelsdf on Jun 29, 2023 14:08:52 GMT
it seems no one has a solution yet. I have already tried all the codes posted, but none have been accepted and led to success.
Post by overdoze on Nov 29, 2023 10:39:54 GMT
I’m also searching for activating air care/ climatronic on my ID. VW offers me this to be unlocked via VW Store, so i assume its possible to have it… they ask for 300€ though…