Description of BUG: Backup process is giving bad data, some examples below after I ran a full backup
Control unit 01 Engine shows
Adaptations as 17 - Correct
Advanced identification as 24 - incorrect this should be 25
Live data as 358 - incorrect this should be 361
Control unit 03 Brakes
Adaptations as 55 - incorrect it should be 57
Advanced identification as 32 - incorrect it should be 33
Live data as 51 - Incorrect it should be 54
i have already reported the differences on this control module on the Android thread but I have just noticed that whilst in Android there are two missing they are different on IOS.
I am missing fill_and_bleed_information and Developer_Function_103
Control unit 17 Dashboard
Adaptations as 68 - Incorrect this should be 73
Missing adaptations are Collected err. Notific, Lap counter (oddly after i had turned it off using one click app), Display_Save_CP, Dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_annulus_ACC, dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment_bargraph_speed_setting_ACC
Personal view it feels like since they hid the long coding changes to one click apps if you turn off a feature (as I did with Lap counter it gets removed from the backup or it might just be coincidence although I did turn it back on and then the backup on Adroid showed it again
Advanced identification as 34 is correct
Live data as 79 is incorrect it should be 91
IOS Backup also does not include sub system information but the Android one does
Annoying difference between IOS and Android is the field naming convention, Android uses _ but IOS does not
AutoHold_minimum_pressure_threshold vs AutoHold minimum pressure threshold (on IOS)
There are lots of other issues around formatting and standards but i have reported those to dev already.
IOS Backup does not show the ODX Name or Version but Android does
Full Scan shows Mileage twice, once with just a value (this is always the KM Value and the second one in KM If settings set to Metric or Miles if set to Imperial so the bug is why do I need two values showing the same why not just one using my settings values.