Post by gouldilocks on Jun 5, 2021 17:58:47 GMT
Howdy, I've just purchased a Harbor Freight trailer, installed the lights, got a 7 blade to 4 pin adapter installed on the Tiguan for the trailer to connect to, now I'm at a stand still. I need to turn on the trailer lights module (I think, I'm a newb in this stuff) I don't want to purchase a Vagcom or go to the dealer. I would love to purchase a obdeleven to accomplish this at a much lower price (so I think). Is it possible to turn on the trailer lights with the obdeleven scan tool? Or am I stuck with my first two options? I just downloaded the app so far and checked out the apps available and so far for trailer I only saw one for steady blinking, such as hazards. Please any help is much appreciated! -Derek
Post by dcollapse on Dec 4, 2021 12:52:07 GMT
I don’t know if you ever figured it out but you also need the tow control module which installs in the rear left behind trim panel, and also needed is a small splitter “Y” harness that connects under the driver side dash. I purchased a used tow control module through eBay (came from Lithuania) for around $65 and I made my own splitter harness for under the dash. The OE tow kit is $320-$400 and I didn’t want to pay that! When parts are installed there are a few coding bits that need to be done which can be done with OBDEleven.