rookie : "
earned confidence"? Naarh - I neither seek, nor want your
"earned confidence"! Please feel free to abandon entirely any "
earned confidence" that you might have mistakenly attached to my previous posts. And lest you believe that you are being targeted - I suggest the same to any one else reading this reply!
I'm absolutely amazed by your conviction. Are you not aware of SFD – Schutz Fahrzeug Diagnose? SFD is not relevant for your car - but the new VAG protection protocol is most definitely relevant for vehicles that roll-off the production-line . If you doubt the importance of SFD - Google the term and learn (or at the very least, allow the information to inform your conviction about VCDS)!!
Of course my question above is rhetorical -because clearly the answer must be "NO" given your position regarding VCDS. And I strongly suspect that neither are you aware of Ross-Tech's long battle with VAG over the past 4 years to provide a workable solution for SFD for the majority of VCDS users. And further, I also doubt that you are aware of the latest incarnation of SFD (known as "SFD2") which infects 2024 and future model VAG cars. Again, I suggest that Mr. Google be your friend!
OK, let me try one more time: purely for the purpose of reading my remaining words below - I invite that you temporarily suspend your religious-like belief about VCDS and I will provide a short synopsis of SFD generally and in particular, Ross-Tech's history with this new protocol
But first, for an abundance of clarity - it really doesn't matter to me if you want to retain your belief (of course you are entitled to hold whatever beliefs you want). Nevertheless, I ask no more than that you simply open your mind to an alternative view (ONLY for the time needed to read the rest of this reply), please!
So, late last century, VAG announced its intention regarding SFD which had the consequential impact of rendering ALL third-party diagnostic devices obsolete on newer vehicles. For emphasis, SFD affected not just VCDS - but also OBD11, VCP, VCtool and every other non ODIS device. The new SFD protocol was/is a game changer because anyone seeking to code key modules in these newer vehicles must provide to VAG their identity as well as records of the changes made.
Without making this a master class on the SFD procedure - the fundamental requirement of the new protocol is the need to get a "Token" for coding changes. Tokens are a one-time-only license to open a module and they are strictly time limited (they are a bit like the 5 x digit security-codes that are used in older style modules - except their use is far-more tightly controlled).
VAG has a system for releasing Tokens to the professional market - but it involves that each user has a registered account (called "GEKO") and a connection to VAG's "portal". It is simply impractical to apply the GEKO solution to diagnostic device users in the enthusiast market.
Via negotiations with VAG, OBD11 was the first third-party diagnostic device to change its operating systems and provide a SFD solution for its users. OBD11's solution is "fully integrated" - which means that it works for the enthusiast market because it includes the facility to wield Tokens to users as well as remote storage of the required change-data (which VAG can access). So, the OBD11 solution effectively replicates the GEKO approach for both OBD11's professional and enthusiast users
Since the OBD11 facility was released, a few other competitors have also negotiated similar fully integrated solutions with VAG! However and despite continuous promises to VCDS users over the past 4 years, Ross-Tech still doesn't have an integrated SFD solution for the enthusiast market.
As of the time of writing, the ONLY way that VCDS users can access coding in key modules on SFD protected vehicles is if they get a Token from another source like GEKO, or if they buy a second diagnostic device like OBD11 to generate the Token and then transfer the Token to VCDS. Clearly buying two diagnostic devices is nonsense and as I have said, formally registering a GEKO account with VAG is just not practical for enthusiast users! Again as at the time of writing, Ross-Tech still hasn't released any details of a likely release date for an integrated SFD solution for VCDS. And AFAIK, a VCDS solution for SFD2 hasn't been contemplated!
So, bottom-line = for enthusiasts like you and me, the current stable of Ross-Tech products (i.e, HEX-V2, and HEX-NET) is for all practical purposes NOT compatible for SFD cars.
If you still hold your beliefs - I can sell you the property rights to our Sydney Opera House for the low price of $1Million AUD!! (I'm only kidding - don't get offended